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Case Win: Allegations Against Teachers

Advocacy & Support for Teachers

Teachers are entrusted with shaping young minds and fostering an...

Case Win: Allegations in the Workplace

Advocacy & Support for Teachers

Allegations concerning interactions between educators and students...

Workplace Support For Teachers

Benefits of TPAA Membership for Teachers

Teachers are the lifeblood of our education system,...

Case Win: Supporting Teachers Dealing with Difficult Students

Dismissing Allegations & Addressing Workplace Safety Concerns

Teachers often find themselves...

Case Win: Relocation Issues in Teaching

Advocacy & Support for Teachers

Relocating for a job can be a mixed experience. For Angelina, a...

Case Win: Defending Teachers Facing Leave Discrepancies

Resolving leave discrepancies in the workplace

Navigating leave discrepancies as a Teacher can be...

Case Win: Defending Teachers Across Australia

Ways to Resolve Bullying IN EDUCATION

Teaching in today's educational landscape is no easy feat,...