Our Executive
The TPAQ executive structure is different to other competitors. Our elected executive consist of a President, Vice-President and Treasurer who must all be teachers, these executive members make all policy decisions for TPAQ.
The Secretary is appointed by the executive under the constitution and does not make policy decisions. Instead, the Secretary sees to the day-to-day operations of the organisation on behalf of the executive.
When we say "Run by Teachers for Teachers" we mean it.
Scott Stanford
Scott has been working in education for over 20 years. Throughout his career he has held various roles in a number of secondary settings in both the independent and catholic sectors ranging from Classroom Teacher to Faculty and Department Head, Head of Boarding House and Director of Sport.
Scott has completed a Masters of Educational Leadership and throughout his career has been part of external organisations such as the Australian Council for Educational Leaders, Australian Boarding Schools Association, Business Educators Association of QLD and has been an active member in many community organisations which saw him awarded the 2016 Australia Day award in recognition for the valued community service in the Electorate of Lilly.
Throughout his career Scott has always been a proactive advocate for Teacher and school staff conditions and rights, and has always been an active member of the staff association in the schools he has worked in – often being a mentor to the new staff when they come into the organisation.
Scott is very excited to be the National Co-ordinator of the Teachers Professional Association and looks forward to working with the state secretaries to continue to advocate for fairness and equality with a goal for providing the best possible education setting for all.

Cameron Murray
Vice President
Cameron joined Education Queensland as a teacher of Maths and Science
in 1989, in the Central Queensland Coalfields mining town of Middlemount.
Promoted to Head of Science and Industrial Design in 2007, at Elanora
SHS, Cameron worked to develop links with CSIRO, the GCCC, and local
Universities, building pathways for students beyond school.
Further promotion saw him move to Thursday Island’s Tagai State High
School in 2012 as Deputy Principal. Since then, he has held the position of
Deputy Principal in several schools, including Benowa State High School,
his current position.
Cameron has taught across the state in a wide ranging career- as a
classroom teacher of language (German) mathematics, science, English
and served as RTR coordinator, Year Coordinator, Head of Department and
Deputy Principal.
His experience, across diverse regions of Queensland- from Central
Queensland, Wide Bay, and the Torres Strait to the Gold Coast; in large,
medium and small sized schools, from urban to regional and extremely
remote schools, in schools reflecting modern Australian cultural and ethnic
diversity. He is a passionate advocate for EAL/D education- helping recent
arrivals to Australia gain the language skills they need to succeed in their
educational pathways.

David Frarricciardi
David Frarricciardi, is treasurer of TPAQ and has been a teacher for many years. David currently teaches manual arts at Woodridge State High School and is passionate about providing a legitimate choice of representation for teachers.
David is a former QTU rep but made the change over to TPAQ, which he sees as a union that is focusing on issues that really matter, such as teacher safety, workload management and pay rates.

Edward Schuller
TPAQ State Secretary
As the Secretary of the TPAQ, Edward is involved in various aspects of the Red Union's operations. He has long been passionate about improving the quality of education in Australia, and firmly believes that this is only possible once our teachers are being properly supported.
Edward knows the immense experience, quality and care that educators in our state have to offer. He’s steadfast in his belief that teachers and parents are the best educators, not bureaucrats.
Edward places great importance on the power of local communities backing in their teachers and supporting them to build the best possible classroom environment for quality education.
He is looking forward to working closely with thousands of teachers across our state in his capacity as the TPAQ Secretary and will continue to advocate for schools to be run locally.