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Case Win: Allegations Against Teachers

Advocacy & Support for Teachers

Teachers are entrusted with shaping young minds and fostering an environment conducive to learning and growth. However, like any professional setting, educational settings are not immune to challenges and conflicts. Allegations within the teaching profession can arise from various sources—students, parents, colleagues, or administrators—each carrying its own implications and complexities.

Case Win: Allegations in the Workplace

Advocacy & Support for Teachers

Allegations concerning interactions between educators and students...

Case Win: Relocation Issues in Teaching

Advocacy & Support for Teachers

Relocating for a job can be a mixed experience. For Angelina, a...

Case Win: Defending Teachers Across Australia

Ways to Resolve Bullying IN EDUCATION

Teaching in today's educational landscape is no easy feat,...

Case Win: Teacher Contractual Changes

Resolving Workplace Disputes for Teachers

Leslie, a dedicated teacher from Western Australia, found...

Case Win: Graduate Teacher Pay Dispute

Advocating for Fair Wages in Education

Navigating the ins and outs of a job contract can feel like...

Government Backs Down on Controversial Education Bill

Victory for Teachers & Education Staff in Queensland

After an incredible amount of public backlash,...

QTU and Labor Government exposed in fallout from nefarious education bill

16th April 2024 - Media Release

The Queensland Teachers Union (QTU) and Labor State Government have...