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EB10 Negotiations


The Queensland Teachers Union (QTU) came to an agreement which FAILS to make up lost ground from the lagging agreements made in the past and is an insult to the hard working teachers in QLD. 

Thousands of QLD teachers were locked out of the EB10 negotiations because the bureaucracy was worried we would not go along with an EBA that barely keeps up with inflation and does little to improve working conditions.

The key points from the agreement made with the QTU are:
  • The QTU settled on a pay increase of 4% for teachers as of 1st July 2022, 4% payable from 1st July 2023 and only 3% payable as of the 1st July 2024.
  • Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) one off lump sum payment equal to the difference between the CPI increase and the base wage (up to 3%) will be paid to all employees at the end of that year of the agreement.
  • Better resourcing for Primary schools with 1,100 enrolments to apply for reclassification based on school complexities and circumstances.
  • Workplace health and Safety - a commitment to reviewing Local Relief Teaching (LRT) and Distant Relief Teaching (DRT) and reviewing the roles of school leaders, both in 3 years time.
  • A commitment to develop a flexible work/health and wellbeing guide for fatigue management eg. school camps, concerts, overseas trips (this was promised 3 years ago).

Here's what the TPAQ would've fought for:
  • We would've fought for a short term 7.5% increase in pay. With a further increase in the future with inflation predicted to reach over 7%.
  • COLA lump sum payment of 5%.
  • We said better resourcing for primary schools with 900 enrolments to apply for reclassification based on school complexities and circumstances.
  • We believe a review of the workplace health and Safety - a commitment to reviewing LRT and DRT as well as a reviewing the roles of school leaders both need to happen now (why wait 3 years).
  • A commitment to develop a flexible work/health and wellbeing guide for fatigue management eg school camps, concerts and overseas trips were promised 3 years ago, so we came up with the best solution - bank overtime hours for all teachers into long service leave. 

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The Teachers' Professional Association of Queensland (TPAQ) is a professional association. The Teachers' Professional Association of Australia (TPAA) is an industrial association whose principal purpose is to protect and promote the interests of members in matters concerning their employment or professional engagement. No membership fees are used to support any political party (including the ALP), so we are able to source and/or provide representation for all members, on all issues, better than our competitors. Savings of over $484 are just the beginning.

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