TPAQ | News

Letter to the Education Shadow Minister

Written by TPAQ | May 31, 2024 12:44:51 AM

29th May 2024

Dear Dr Rowan

Please see attached the correspondence that we have sent to Minister Di Famer.

The Teachers’ Professional Association of Queensland (TPAQ) is formally requesting to be part of any future discussions and stakeholder meetings that the State Opposition may hold.

Teachers should not be punished simply because they choose not to support a certain political party.

We trust that you agree with this and ask that the LNP make a firm commitment, prior to the election, that you will legislate the right for workers to choose who represents them.

Our members believe that competition and choice are both beneficial and desirable to teachers across our state – that is what we seek to provide.

I therefore ask the following on behalf of our members: does the LNP support the right for every teacher to be represented, or do you support the Government’s current approach of being guided by the QTU – the Labor Party’s financial and philosophical wing?

We look forward to your response and the opportunity to meet with you shortly.


Edward Schuller

Secretary, Teachers’ Professional Association of Queensland


CC: Dr Christian Rowan, Shadow Minister for Education